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The Benefits of Walking Coaching


Walking Coaching has been shown to have a powerful effect on our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.


Being in Nature​

Numerous studies demonstrate the benefits of being in nature, such as;

  • Reduces stress and feelings of anger

  • Lowers stress hormones and improves blood pressure

  • Increases Vitamin D, a natural mood booster

  • Assists restorative sleep through the regulation of melatonin from natural daylight

Mental Health​

  • ​The outdoord enchances our mental health and wellbeing. It's a natural mood booster and supports the number one challenge of the executive world: stress.

  • Coaching outdoors supports solving challenges and identifying ways forward.


Exercise & Optimism

  • ​Exercise improves your physical health and naturally releases endorphins, which the body produces to relieve stress and pain.

  • Endorphins also promote optimism which assists coaching by strengthening a solutions-focused mindset.

Blue Sky Thinking​

  • According to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), when we think, our eyes move in a variety of directions. Looking up signals creative thinking. In a typical office-based coaching room, the eyes can only see so far e.g the ceiling and the walls.

  • Coaching outdoors literally means having access to ‘blue sky thinking’; being open to new concepts, accessing new ideas, and being less restricted in our thinking.​


The Outdoors as a Coaching Tool​

  • Being out in nature gives rise to some great coaching techniques that can bring coaching to life in the coachees surroundings. Some methods such as metaphors and analogies work particularly well in nature and help the coachee to tap into new options, discuss challenges or identify how to overcome challenges.

Take Your Coach With You... â€‹

  • If you’d like to experience coaching outdoors then I offer a Walking Coaching option (subject to us finding a location which works for us both).

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"In every walk with nature one receives​ far more than he seeks"

~  John Muir ~

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